www.boons-holidays.co.uk |
BOOKING HOTLINES...01245-382 397 & 07899-738 963 |
Coach Holiday Travel Insurance |
From 1st January 2009 the FSA (Financial Services Authority) regulated the sale of Travel Insurance sold alongside coach holidays. For a variety of reasons, we decided not to continue to sell travel insurance alongside our tours.
Although we strongly recommend that you are adequately insured when you travel on any of our holidays, it is not a condition of travel for our UK mainland tours that you have insurance cover. However, for all other tours (Continental, Channel Isles etc) insurance cover is compulsory*.
Please remember that Travel Insurance covers you for cancellation charges (please refer to our cancellation terms below) and other losses, not just medical treatment.
Depending on your circumstances, you may wish to purchase either yearly cover or single-trip cover. Whichever you choose, we will require details of your policy (see below), either when you pay the final balance for your tour, or at least 10 days before travel. Regardless of whether you purchase travel insurance, or decide to travel uninsured, we will require you to sign a disclaimer, which you will find at the bottom of this page.
For Boon’s Calibre Travel UK mainland tours: Travel Insurance is strongly recommended, but not compulsory. For all other Boon’s Calibre Travel tours: Travel Insurance is compulsory*.
*If, for some reason, you are unable to obtain travel insurance cover for non-UK tours please call us to discuss the matter
Please be aware, that once purchased, single-trip travel insurance premiums are often non-refundable, except for the statutory cooling-off period. This means that should we have to cancel a tour for any reason, you may not receive a refund of your insurance premium from your insurers, however, you may be able to transfer your insurance cover to another tour. We suggest that you clarify this when purchasing single-trip travel insurance
If you cancel/curtail your holiday: You, or any members of your party may cancel your holiday at any time provided that the cancellation is made by the person signing the booking form and is communicated to us in writing via the office at which you made your booking. As this incurs administration costs we will retain your deposit and, in addition, apply the cancellation charges shown below:
NOTIFICATION RECEIVED IN WRITING: 2025/26 Holiday & Short Break Cancellation Terms for UK mainland tours. Prior to balance due date**: Deposit only Between balance due date** and the departure date, or curtailment of holiday: 100% of holiday cost ** The balance due date will be clearly stated on your invoice.
Other 2025/26 tours may have different cancellation terms, however, these will be made clear in the tour description. Charges may be reclaimed via your Travel Insurance if the reason for cancelation/curtailment is covered by your policy.
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